W5. Giving the Personalized Digital Health Ecosystem a FAIRshake

TUESDAY, October 6 | 8:30 - 11:30 AM


The workshop will first cover the practical aspects of making digital resources more FAIR. This includes documented API, metadata that follows community standards, and protocols to make metadata understood by humans and computers. Next, we will show the opportunities that emerge when following these guidelines. First, we will discuss examples from systems biology that show how data integration can lead to the discovery of novel drug targets. Next, we will discuss how wearables and other technologies can track patient health overtime in real-time to inform better diagnosis to improve clinical trials.


  • FAIRshake – A platform to assess the FAIRness of biomedical digital objects
  • Drug and target discovery pipelines based on -omics integration
  • Making biomedical data FAIR
  • Bioinformatics tools for drug discovery
  • General purpose FAIR- and cloud-ready platform for hosting biomedical research data (Signature Commons)
  • Making digital health data FAIR
  • Tracking patients in real-time over time with wearables and other means
  • Innovation in digital health data collection and integration
  • Transforming clinical trials


Drug discovery researchers from academia and industry; IT professionals; digital health and biomedical informatics experts from academia and industry.


Ma'ayan_AviAvi Ma’ayan, PhD, Professor, Department of Pharmacological Sciences; Director, Mount Sinai Center for Bioinformatics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

The research in the Ma'ayan Lab involves applying computational methods to study the complexity of regulatory networks in mammalian cells. We develop algorithms and software to study how regulatory networks control cellular processes such as differentiation, dedifferentiation, apoptosis, and proliferation. Our main focus is in developing methods that link changes in gene expression to transcriptional regulators and cell signaling pathways. To achieve this, we develop web-based bioinformatics software tools and databases that enable biologists to perform enrichment and network analyses to find new knowledge about single genes, gene sets, and drugs. Using these tools, we work closely with experimentalists on projects that utilize high-throughput profiling to understand cell regulation at the global scale. So far, we published over 160 peer-reviewed articles where several of them in top-tier journals. Over the past 12 years, about 100 trainees, including postdoctoral fellows, graduate and medical students, undergraduates, and high school students contributed to the laboratory work. The Ma’ayan Lab members participate in educational and outreach activities including delivering two MOOCs on the Coursera platform, a summer undergraduate research program, and two in-class graduate courses.

Daniel Clarke, MS, Data Scientist, Ma'ayan Lab, Department of Pharmacological Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Daniel Clarke, MS, received his degree in computer engineering and pivoted from cybersecurity and public healthcare data mining to building tools for FAIR data integration and knowledge enrichment with a focus on multi-omics based approaches. Combining machine learning and statistical techniques with FAIR data curation and standardization, he continues to collect and measure effective best practices by tackling different use cases. He's currently leading the development of the Signature Commons, a FAIR metadata cataloging and enrichment platform for real-time knowledge discovery.

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