W12. Cancer Genome Analysis
TUESDAY, October 6 | 12:30 - 3:30 PM
Cancer treatment is currently guided by the use of DNA- and RNA-sequencing. This use of sequencing is transforming the course of cancer therapy and greatly improving patient outcomes. This analysis is aided by large databases that have collected the sequencing data from tens of thousands of tumors. In this workshop, Dr. Rosenfeld will explain use of these databases both for research and clinical practice. After a simple tutorial, he will guide attendees through their own analysis of public tumor data and they will be able to perform their own studies without assistance. In addition, he will explain the procedures that are undertaken for the sequencing and interpretation of a tumor genome in a clinical context.
Note for workshop attendees: Please bring a laptop to the workshop with a working browser. No advanced preparation or special software is required.
Jeffrey Rosenfeld, PhD, Manager, Biomedical Informatics Shared Resource and Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey; President, Rosenfeld Consulting LLC
Dr. Jeffrey Rosenfeld has extensive experience in genomics and bioinformatics. He is the author of over 40 scientific publications, a graduate-level textbook, and the recipient of a US patent. He received his undergraduate education at the University of Pennsylvania and his PhD in biology from NYU. He performed his doctoral research at the prestigious Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Over his 15-year career in genomics, he has worked on a wide range of biological and genetic projects including genetic association studies of schizophrenia, genomic testing of embryos for fertility treatments, gene patent litigation, and clinical cancer genome sequencing. For the past five years, he has been an Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and the head of the Bioinformatics Core at the Rutgers Cancer Institute. In this role, he has become very familiar with laboratory testing both for cancer and other genetic diseases. He has set up the computational infrastructure for multiple tumor sequencing panels as well as a clinical data warehouse. Dr. Rosenfeld is always at the leading edge of technology and is looking for the newest ideas that can be used for scientific research and diagnostics including single cell techniques and long read sequencing. Additionally, Dr. Rosenfeld has been sought out for his expertise as the head of Rosenfeld Consulting LLC. Clients come to him seeking advice regarding genomics, oncology and laboratory testing. Due to his long tenure in the field and his knowledge of genomics as well as finance, he can give a clear assessment of the companies and their potential. Companies approach Dr. Rosenfeld looking for his expert-level genomics knowledge, industry insight and management experience.
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